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We are pleased to inform that OLYMPEX ADVISERS LLP provides services for filling in and submitting the tax return forms 250.00, 270.00 and 240.00 for individuals.
As is known, from 2021 a stagewise work has been started in the frames of the universal declaration. Thus, from 2021 deputies, ministers, akims, all public officials, major holders of securities, major participants in banks, major participants in insurance companies, as well as the spouses of the listed persons have begun to declare their income.
First, the above persons shall submit the so called “entry” declaration of assets and liabilities (form 250), and, subsequently, the declaration of income and property annually (form 270).
That is, the form 250 is submitted to record the accumulated assets and liabilities as of the date of entry into the declaration system and it shows all unregistered property.
It should also include any cash held, but 10,000 MCI maximum.
The form 270 is intended to declare all income received for the year preceding the year of submission of the declaration, including income subject to self-taxation.
At that, a taxpayer may reduce the taxable income by making an adjustment under Article 341 of the Tax Code.
It should be noted that under the provisions of the Tax Code, when submitting the form 270, it is not required to file the form 240 for individual income tax.
At the same time, our specialists also provide tax services for filling in and submitting the tax return form 240 for individuals engaged in securities transactions who are not obliged to submit the form 270.